Monday, October 1, 2007


The two highlights to my week were enjoying lunch with a group of Americans who work at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and enjoying lunch with the employees of the USUN mission at the Ambassador’s residence. The first was on Thursday afternoon. I ended up sitting next to a fascinating woman who writes a yearly report that I read regularly for Model UN. In fact, once during our conversation, I recalled an article, which is rare considering my memory, and it turns out that she was its writer. I was compelled to get her autograph, but I painfully restrained myself.

The barbecue at the Ambassador’s residence was great not only for its conversation, but for its delicious edibles as well. The food was thoroughly Mexi-American: chili hotdogs and hamburgers along with chips and fresh guacamole and salsa. Though it was challenging to find, it was certainly worth the experience and hopefully I have a few more chances to spend time there for various social events.

With those two experiences as exceptions, though, I would describe my last few days here in Rome as an extended period of SAGA-sitting. For those unlearned in Alma jargon, allow me to elaborate. To SAGA-sit is to sit at a table in our main dining facility in an attempt to gain attention to your message, cause, event or organization. I have done so a few times myself, and it is not always a pleasant experience. People walk by ignoring you even though they know you are calling for them. Or even worse, people take interest, look at what you are offering, and then express dislike and leave. This is what I have been going through lately.

And quite literally since my supervisor put me in charge of sign-up for the Run-for-Food, a large fund raiser for the FAO on the 21st of October. Therefore, I went over during the main embassy’s coffee hour and SAGA-sat with my Run-for-Food paperwork. Two hours of sitting, and I got one person to sign-up and a few maybes. But overall, the level of interest was low. This may have also been the case because I was a bad salesman. There were two ladies, one significantly heavier than the other. Trying to appeal to a particular audience, I asked thinner one if she was interested in the Run-for-Food. She said, “Does it look like I run?” just as the other stated, “I’m interested. Why didn’t you ask me?” Ooo, awkward. After that I asked EVERYONE if they were interested, and all of the heavier and elderly mostly gave me stares of disdain.

I have also felt like SAGA-sitting as I continue my apartment search. I lay my offer on the table, criteria and such, and simply wait for a place to pick me up. Now do not misinterpret this, I am doing my work, calling out to people as they walk by ignoring, but because I am a male and am only staying for two months, there are not many mini-apartments or rooms that will take me. I almost considered giving my last landlady a call after an unsuccessfully room visit Sunday afternoon. But tonight I had one that was successful, so (cross my fingers) if it is still available Wednesday, I am taking it.

Until then, though, the receptionist at USUN has been gracious enough to let me stay in her guestroom. It actually worked out since her and her husband went for Oktoberfest this weekend, allowing me to make use of their phone and internet to continue the room search. Additionally, this also allowed me to relax a bit, catching up on some Scrubs and watching an amazing Season 4 premiere of The Office. I am truly grateful for their continued invitation and am debating how to make it up to them.

Since the apartment is moderately close to Villa Borghese, the 2nd largest park in Rome, I also spent a bit of Saturday afternoon going for a refreshing run. However, it is difficult to stay running when there are so many distractions, including ancient monuments, marble statues, a uniformed band riding on the backs of white horses… etc. So, I am not sure that I actually did much working out, but it at least allowed me to escape the dreaded horror of SAGA-sitting. But hey, I got one person to sign-up Friday, so I am sure that one person will sign-up in housing department soon too.

Thank you reading! God Bless!

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